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How to improve composite pressure vessel design using non-geodesic winding paths


Non-Geodesic Winding ? What and Why ?

Non-geodesic winding paths ad winding paths that include the modelling of the friction between the fibres and the mandrel. This friction allows to deviate from the geodesic path (i.e., the shortest distance between two points on a curved surface) without slipping, thus offers a much wider range of design and production possibilities.

The application of non-geodesic filament winding significantly enlarges the design space for composite structures. The formulation and evaluation of these trajectories, however, is a rather complicated problem.

Non-geodetic winding is widely used in the industry because it have many advantages such as:

  • Eliminates fibre-slip if friction factor are acceptable,

  • Allows the winding angle to be alteres along the same path,

  • Allows more control of truning zones,

  • Allow winding of tanks with different polar openings,

  • Allows winding around pins,

  • Enlarges the design space for composite structures.

WoundSim Software, our new generation software to design and optimize COPVs allows modeling frictionless and friction layers (geodesic and non-geodesic).



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